Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 20

Week 20 was off to a busy start! Pete had a guys night & went camping while I went to Cincinnati to see my best friend and her family! We both had a great time with our friends. I tried to get a photo of the guys but it was just too dark out there for them to get a decent photo :) I am including one of me and Jackie below...

Sunday we went to a wedding where I got my 20 week photo taken... I have really started to show over the past few days!! Here you go...


  1. i LOVE your baby bump! =D and i can't wait till tuesday when you find out if you can come SEE ME!! (jumping for joy)

    verification word: dinesch = a french dinette set. hahaha.

  2. You look so happy and so very cute!!! That is know surprise though. Hugs, Jill
